

My newest design is the first female in my human collection who I did in tandem with the previous character, Theovalde. I made the two of them to be partners of a sort. I call this one Tetrine. She's 22 years old with a fancy for ornate long rifles, including the one featured in the drawing, which she pet-named "Chamrosh". 

The mythology goes that she was one of several sisters in a wealthy man's personal harem who was then kidnapped by Theovalde for a ransom. Despising the harem, Tetrine then appeals to Theovalde's soft heart, convincing him to forget the ransom and run away with her instead. After escaping by sea and enduring a fugitive life for a time, she eventually parts ways with Theovalde and goes on to begin life anew. Tetrine joins a vicious pirate clan and quickly becomes one of its three leaders. Four years pass before she is again reunited with Theovalde by happenstance, and the two of them bargain with each other to abandon their lives, Tetrine from the clan and Theovalde from the Royal Navy, and together they set off to partner in a daring hunt for a fabled boat that is said to obey the voice of whoever masters it...



This character is the next addition for my human collection. I decided to flesh out a character named "Theovalde" who is a sort of dignified picaroon-type that keeps his nonchalant demeanour in tandem with the signature firearm that hangs close by his hip. He's a character that is both the capable, quick-witted protagonist as well as the facetious antihero with a flare for style and self-respect, in a sense, a friend of those who assist his needs and an enemy of those who obstruct them. Theovalde is an unconventional survivalist who values the sheen of his belt just as much as the items that hang off it. He walks from a past that has taught him the wisdoms of being self-sufficient, an upbringing that has raised him to learn how to get whatever he wants with no greater a tool than the sharp eloquence of his tongue, or the tip of his pistol, whichever of the two most elucidates his point. Theovalde is a pseudonym that he gave himself to both retain the secrecy of his identity and escape the remnants of a past that he'd much rather leave for the past. His opulent pistol, pet-named "Karkadann", is a weapon that was left for his suicide after being exiled in the desert, a mercy weapon, so to speak, that he instead used to help him survive and then savoured afterwards as a good luck charm. Theovalde is about 24 years of age and lives in an anachronistic fantasy realm during an age of simple pleasures and mystic understandings.



Promotional Portfolio

The video below is a promotional video that I made for this website, which takes a brief glimpse of my portfolio of conceptual art, game design, music and writing. It's now on Youtube in HD, so feel free to check it out if you have a few minutes!

Copyright © 2012 by Kieland Edmonds -- All rights reserved



              Landon Rose is in the graduating year of an education system that has been radically reshaped by one of Fairleigh Academy’s many students who has anonymously blackmailed the entire school faculty with all of their dirtiest, darkest secrets and is now running the place under the pseudonym “Blanc” with a big black scrapbook full of photographic evidence of their depraved scandals. For three consecutive years, the teachers have been enslaved to their students. It’s a staff that lives under the constant fear of being exposed, hopelessly trying to unveil their unseen overlord who disguises himself within the midst of his classmates demanding nothing but the highest caliber of education...

Genre: Crime, Drama

Word Count: Approx. 38,000

Kyrie and Landon - Blackbook



Check out the new Music page dedicated to my growing collection of musical compositions. The piano has always been somewhat of a hobby for me and another fun way to scratch my creative itch. I try to compose every song with a story sitting in the back of my mind, weaving a sense of character, plot, and drama into it to stimulate imagination and explore new places that might otherwise be difficult to write into one of my stories or sketch into one of my drawings. This gives most of my compositions a slightly dissonant and ethereal sound, like a modern fantasia.

On the left is one of my latest pieces, which I arranged in Garageband with an orchestral kit and a midi keyboard. Also, be sure to subscribe to my Youtube channel if you want to keep up with the latest compositions!



Shortly after losing his medical practice, Dr. Jovan Hedblom stumbles across a profound phenomenon that reignites his career in an entirely new direction. He discovers that his sister Lala can answer any question that is asked of her, even if it exceeds her own conscious knowledge, but only while she is asleep.

 Visit The Midnight Library here to read my new short story!

Genre: Crime, Mystery, Drama

Word Count: Approx. 23,000



I'd just like to take this time to proudly announce the completion of Induction! We have met the deadline and produced our first playable video game. When we started half a year ago, we were just brainstorming the idea of magnetics as a mechanic, now all this time later we've built it and have it packaged and ready to go. Of course, this is a student project, so it will not be sold to anyone. But it was a real design challenge, as the concept was a solely co-operative adventure game that used one simple magnetic mechanic as a tool, a means of transport, and a weapon.

We presented it on Tuesday night this week and handed out the first copies, receiving lots of notice from industry professionals who we invited to play our game. We worked really hard on finishing this game and I'd like to extend applause to Jack Lin, our level designer and assistant manager, Kelly Wright, our programmer and animator, Shelby Marchtaler, our audio designer and AI programmer, myself, our lead concept and texture artist, and of course Clayton Paakspuu, our project manager and prop modeler, who unfortunately was away much of the time due to complicated medical concerns and is now recovering. I also would like to thank the many collaborators who we've credited in the game and the instructors at VFS who helped make this all possible!

 The cover design I did towards the end of the project

It's been a long and rough year, and now it's finally coming to a close. It's hard to think back on all the things I've learned about the game industry during my time at VFS. I learned many new skills and found many new ways to improve upon my preexisting ones. I learned about teamwork and collaboration, but most importantly, friendship. None of us could have done this without each other's constant support.

The Homemade Lunch Club
Jack Lin   Clayton Paakspuu   Shelby Marchtaler   Kelly Wright   Kieland Edmonds

So thank-you everyone for helping us finally reach our goal! And good luck to us all in the future!

Induction Introduction

This video is the opening cinematic we whipped together to introduce the storyline behind Induction. It was comprised of a series of images that I put together, then edited by my teammates Jack Lin, Bernard Hwang. The music was composed by Shelby Marchtaler, our group's audio designer and AI programmer.