Game Design

My first game design work was thought up for a project called Induction in my course at the Vancouver Film School, where my team (HLC) had under a year to produce a playable game. My responsibility as the Lead Artist was to deliver a captivating set of characters and environment concepts from which 3D modelers could create our world from. I also had the honor of texturing this world, as well as design the front end and HUD assets.

Below is a sample of some of the official art I produced for this game...

 Below is a concept for the main enemies in Induction, the Rooks.
 They were designed to be blind and extremely hostile creatures.
Above shows the turn-around views I drew up of the Rook.

 Here's the first model we received. (I did not make this model)

Below is a lesser creature in our game we've called the HubCrab, for it's ability to hermit into hubcaps like shells.  

This was the whole idea with the enemies in Induction, the concept that they were soft and vulnerable by nature and needed to fuse themselves with machine parts and scraps for exoskeleton protection.

This is the model we received back from the designs

(I did not make these models)

 The Main Characters...

Here is a final design for the male character, Kas; an engineer wielding magnetizable gloves.

 Here's the female character, Nel, playing alongside Kas with magnetic abilities.


The environments in this game were for the most part conceived in words, but i was asked to quickly rough up some destroyed buildings for our 3D modeler to use as a reference.

 Being our first game project, I wanted to keep it as simple as possible without losing that atmosphere that distinguishes a destroyed structure from a normal one.




 Above you can see several of the parts I had to texture on an industrial crane.

All of these textures were made in Photoshop using various brushes and styles to create a semi-realistic 3D environment.

Below are the various crates we used

 Here you can see the initial 3D model UV I had to work with to make a vending machine.

HUD and UI assets...

These were the designs I did for various assets in the Heads Up Display (HUD)

I was also in charge of the Healthbar in the HUD, this was my final design displaying health in a bar that decreases and the range, strength, and speed of the character's magnetic abilities in increasing EXP bars

This mockup shows how is should look in-game. Also notice, since it's a split-screen game, I created a light divider in the center of the screen to better distinguish the two sides.

The task then fell to me to design the Front End main menu, which I designed below...

Cinematic Concepts...

Below is a set of images we used to piece together a cinematic introduction to our game. I spent little time on each as to capture a rough and stylized feel that would leave a strong impression in the viewer's mind.

Above shows Kas and Nel in an elevator.

Above is my vision of the air system that attempts to stabilize Earth's surface.
This is the underground civilization a thousand years after the surface world has been destroyed.
An elevator shaft in the underground city.
This image shows the arrival of an evolutionary alien race.

Now, for some of the latest screenshots...

Here, the players are testing out their magnetic abilities on iron blocks, which they need to solve an environmental puzzle.

Here, the Hubcrabs are being encountered and are attacking the players!

 This screenshot shows the players' super jumping abilities by means of magnetically launching themselves off of the ground.

Here, the players are using their magnetic powers to fly to poles in the air as a way to get to high up places.

The final cover design I created in Photoshop.

More Screenshots Coming Soon!