This character is the next addition for my human collection. I decided to flesh out a character named "Theovalde" who is a sort of dignified picaroon-type that keeps his nonchalant demeanour in tandem with the signature firearm that hangs close by his hip. He's a character that is both the capable, quick-witted protagonist as well as the facetious antihero with a flare for style and self-respect, in a sense, a friend of those who assist his needs and an enemy of those who obstruct them. Theovalde is an unconventional survivalist who values the sheen of his belt just as much as the items that hang off it. He walks from a past that has taught him the wisdoms of being self-sufficient, an upbringing that has raised him to learn how to get whatever he wants with no greater a tool than the sharp eloquence of his tongue, or the tip of his pistol, whichever of the two most elucidates his point.
Theovalde is a pseudonym that he gave himself to both retain the secrecy of his identity and escape the remnants of a past that he'd much rather leave for the past. His opulent pistol, pet-named "Karkadann", is a weapon that was left for his suicide after being exiled in the desert, a mercy weapon, so to speak, that he instead used to help him survive and then savoured afterwards as a good luck charm. Theovalde is about 24 years of age and lives in an anachronistic fantasy realm during an age of simple pleasures and mystic understandings.
"Theovalde" |